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Our Future

VTOL Aviation Revolution

A New Era

Avinci is developing a unique aircraft propulsion system to improve the safety and usability of vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) aircraft.

Our system features distributed propulsion, differential thrust, and exceptional wind stability.

Applied Robotics and Automation

The Future

Avinci's use of new robotic technology provides cutting-edge solutions for everyday problems.

Our first initiative in automation is the Kitchen Demon, an energy-efficient and ergonomic solution that cleans and dries kitchenware within seconds.

Integrative Medicine

The Next-Level of Healthcare

NeuroGenics is one of several initiatives undertaken by Avinci in this sector/field.

NeuroGenics is the world’s first non talk non intrusive personal development modality.

This Avinci developed technology permits individuals to address any number of self imposed limitations.

Space Tech

Expanding Frontiers

We are currently, actively seeking market opportunities in the field of space technology.

“You can never cross the ocean unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore.”

Christopher Columbus